Share Your News with OGR!

Member News

Did your firm or employee win an award? Are you hosting or sponsoring a community event? How about an important milestone or anniversary that your firm is celebrating? Is there a wedding, new baby or other happy family news? We want to hear about your funeral home's accomplishments, activities and good news. Where space allows, we will share your news in OGR's Insights newsletter, The Independent magazine, and/or our social media pages. (Form is for OGR members only)

Click here to send us your news


Death Notifications

Do you want OGR to send a death notification to our membership? OGR members may request that a death notification be sent regarding an OGR member or close family member. Once we have received the notification, OGR will:

  • Send an email to the entire OGR membership. 
  • Include in the next issue of The Independent magazine. 
  • Include in the Service of Remembrance at the next OGR Annual Conference. 

Please note, it may take up to 24 hours for a notification to go out and we are unable to send notifications over the weekend. 

Click here to send us a death notification