With funeral homes being in “all hands on deck” mode for the past six months, the importance of strong talent coming out of our mortuary schools has become more apparent than any other point in recent history.
OGR’s Awards of Excellence Scholarship Program provides annual scholarships to mortuary students based on strong academic performance, funeral service experience and an essay describing the student’s commitment to serving grieving families with compassion, fairness and dignity.
Believe it or not, 2020 is already just a few months from ending. Consider making a year-end donation to the OGR Foundation to support the scholarship program and make a real impact in helping the next generation of funeral directors get the training they need.
“I want to pour myself wholeheartedly to the funeral profession, and the families that I will serve,” said Natalie Brahm. She was a student at Milwaukee Area Technical College in Wisconsin and a recipient of OGR’s 2020 Silver Award of Excellence. “I want to make a difference in my community and make the world a bit better just from being in it. I will desperately seek to provide each family I serve with the opportunity to feel supported, understood and able to give their loved one the service they desire.”
The Order of the Golden Rule Foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, which means your contribution is tax deductible as a charitable donation. Contributions may be made in honor of or in memory of an individual. Contributors may specify an address to which the Foundation will mail a card acknowledging the donation in a person’s name.
Are you a student who wants to apply for a 2021 scholarship? We will start accepting applications Monday, Nov. 30 through our website, OGR.org. To qualify, you must be enrolled in a degree program at an accredited mortuary science school or college, scheduled to graduate in the 2021 calendar year and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.