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Is there more you can do to honor veterans beyond November 11?

November 11 is a day set aside to honor those who have served in the United States armed forces. What began on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month as Armistice Day, has evolved over the years to include all veterans. 

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Young Professional Spotlight: Kimberly Knight

Kimberly Knight a 42-year-old funeral director and office manager at James A. Dyal Funeral Home in Summerville, South Carolina.

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Member Spotlight on Infinity Funeral Home – Biloxi, Mississippi

Bishop Rick August, president of Infinity Funeral Home in Biloxi, Mississippi, and his children Lasha and Jonathan August - vice president and CFO, respectively - share their experience running a successful funeral home.

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International Perspective: OGR international members on forced innovations they have undergone in the wake of COVID-19

OGR asked some of its international members to offer perspective on how the coronavirus pandemic has forced innovations in their cities and countries.

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Grow your funeral home business by attracting disloyal customers

I started Veterans Funeral Care in 2001 with the goal of serving the veterans in my community better than any other funeral home. It was the first funeral home in America that was named after the customer we served rather than the owner. Since then, we have grown to a more than 900-case funeral home and I attribute our growth to gaining the business of disloyal customers.

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How the pandemic has changed funeral arrangements

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many facets of our lives. That includes changes in how we, as consumers, shop for and purchase goods and services, which in turn change funeral service. 

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401(k) plans: good for employees and owners alike

A 401(k) is how most Americans save for retirement, but many business owners think that a small business retirement plan is too expensive, too hard to manage or not valued by employees. However, more than half of small business owners say offering a 401(k) plan attracts better employees, according to a CNBC small business survey. They also note that nearly 25% of departing employees cite a lack of retirement benefits as part of the reason for leaving.

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We can’t do this without you: 3 cheers for our suppliers!

While I was attending university many years ago, I had a part-time job at a funeral home right across the street from campus. I was well-positioned in those days as I lived right across the street from the funeral home as well.

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Why have flowers at all?

In 2013, scientists shared a discovery they’d made at a burial site of Natufians, the earliest prehistoric people believed to systematically bury their dead. In these graves, found on Mount Carmel in Israel and dating from between the 13,700 and 11,700, scientists found that a number of the dead had been buried on a literal bed of flowers. This discovery answered a longstanding question of when humans started connecting flowers with the ritual of burial: from the beginning: turns out, we’ve been doing it from the beginning.  

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Mind your own hula hoop when change is rampant

What’s a hula hoop got to do with change? Whenever I speak on resilience and responding to change, I invite the audience to go on an adventure with me. We stand up. We imagine ourselves running across the shire. Together, we shout, “I’m going on an adventure!”

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Pre-need: The lifeblood of every funeral home

What's Your Excuse?

Regardless of the size of your firm, if you do not have a dedicated pre-need program, you are doing your funeral home a disservice and only kidding yourself. Throughout the year, we hear a multitude of reasons/excuses as to why a particular firm does not need a dedicated pre-need person, writing agent or even a set plan. The smaller funeral homes are quick to report that the families they serve do not like to prepay or that they do not have time for pre-need
because they are simply too busy. They then will round out the conversation with the fact that they do not believe in time pay. If you relate to any of these excuses, I urge you to change your mindset a little or I believe that your entire business will flounder.

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Buying or selling, this is YOUR market

Why 2021 is the year to buy a new funeral home or sell yours

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Self-Care: Essential when facing changes at work

Big changes? Small changes? Whether you’re facing a process change or a total reorganization, upheaval at work can zap your energy and dampen your spirit. I’ve been there! Here are some self-care tips for managing the stress of change.

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Pandemic accelerated opportunity for post-life cybercrime

The world has gone digital. There is no denying that we are living in a digital world, and with that comes new risks and responsibilities. In 2019, there were an estimated 4.4 billion active internet users. With the upcoming emergence of 5G wireless technology, telecoms giant Ericsson projects more than 65% of the world population will have access to the internet by the end of 2025.

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Getting by with a little help from our canine friends

Starbucks, which recently filed a trademark application for its popular “puppaccino,” is not the only one to have noticed the way we feel about our dogs.

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Community Outreach: How to get free, positive publicity

When was the last time you had press walk into your funeral home? Have you been interviewed on drive time radio lately? Other than the obituary page, where is your funeral home mentioned in your local newspaper? If your answer is “never” or “rarely,” then you need to make a marketing plan…and that plan starts now.

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President's Message: You’re only as good as...

There is a saying in our profession that I am sure many are familiar with. The adage “You are only as good as your last funeral” is, for the most part, one of those things that we live with, whether we like it or not.

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Now what? Now we learn from the geese

As we emerge from the pandemic here in the United States, we're feeling anxious.

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Montage your change journey

Are you facing a tough challenge or change at work? You might get frustrated if you expect steady progress or quick resolution. None of us is going to glide smoothly from start to finish. So, what do you do when you hit a rough patch? Your answer can mean the difference between success and defeat. Change your perspective to realize you’re collecting footage for your montage.

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10-minute Talks: A new way to connect with a valuable referral source

Now more than ever, healthcare professionals, first responders and caregivers need some support from the daily stress that the pandemic has created in both their workplace and their personal lives. Show them how much you care by sharing these six “10-minute Talks: Coping During COVID-19” in order to give them a much-needed break.

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